
UNEP reports that natural and man-made disasters are rapidly increasing around the world.

Are you prepared for a nuclear world?
If not, you better be “CAUSE ITS ALREADY HERE!
Essential data! Do not be with out this information!
What are you going to do when things get bad? Do you even know? Many people hoard food stuffs, medical supplies, and guns & ammo. Some think a little further and stock water filtration units and tools. While it is important to have fresh water, nutritious food and such things, there is one item that most people don’t think to stock up on.
That thing is knowledge.
- You can have all the food you can afford to store….but what happens when it runs out?
- What happens when your stock of medical supplies gets low?
- What are you going to do if an EMP hits? What if you need to escape nuclear radiation?
- Do you know first aid?
Do you know how to use these?
Our Survival Books Collection Volume 1 includes all of the following books in .pdf format. Combined total of over 6400 pages of information!
Book List:
- Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide To Citizen Preparedness.
- Camp Life In The Woods
- Complete Handbook Of Natural Cures
- Emergency Childbirth
- “Militia Cookbook” Emergency Food Preparation
- Emergency War Surgery
- First Aid For Soldiers Field Manual
- International Rifle Marksmanship Guide
- Marine Corps Common Skills Handbook
- Military And Civilian Pyrotechnics
- Mountaineering Techniques Basic Course
- Mountaineering Techniques Advanced Course
- NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical) Protection
- Never Say Die: Canadian Survival Manual
- Nuclear War Survival Skills
- Pioneering Lots and Lashings
- U.S. Army Pistol Marksmanship Training Guide
- Preservation Of Foods Training Course
- Protection In The Nuclear Age
- Pyrotechnics
- Small Wars Manual
- Marine Corps Survival Manual
- Tactical Employment Of Non-Lethal Weapons
- U.S. Army Ranger Handbook
- Understanding And Surviving Terrorism
- U.S. Army Special Forces Medical Handbook
- US Armed Forces Survival Manual
Get this information while you still can!
Get our Survival books collection and be equipped to face disasters. Imagine being able to walk out into the woods or jungle and being able to survive. YOU CAN LEARN HOW! Be prepared for the unknown. Our information CD shows you how to expect the unexpected. The best preparation is knowledge.
Note: You can find this information elsewhere on the internet, but we are the only website where you can get all these books in one collection.
All 27 books come on a CD that can be read by any computer. Books are in .pdf format.
Do you realize that this is only $0.52 per book?