Survival Books Collection Volume 1
Can you survive disaster? Our Survival Books Collection Volume 1 has over 6400 pages of preparedness information. For preppers, and those who aren't. Be prepared for natural and man-made disasters. Are you prepared for a nuclear world?

What is an EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse
An electro magnetic pulse, also known as EMP is usually cause by a nuclear explosion, but can be cause by certain other types of high-energy explosions and fluctuating magnetic fields as well. In military lingo this is known as “HEMP” -a High altitude Electro-Magnetic Pulse. This is a...

Ammo Reloader's Manuals
Learn how to reload ammo. Get the ultimate reloader's manuals collection for your library! Includes Sharpe's Complete Guide to Handloading, Hatcher's Notebook, Naramore's Handloader Manual and much more!
The Gun Warrior's Bible
The Gun Warrior’s Bible Pre-order you copy now! Manuals Resource for just about every gun you can think of. Sniper’s Training Manuals for Special Forces, USMC, Navy Seals and more! 9+ different handbooks for handloading ammunition. Military Gun Training Manuals. Learn from the best! Readable by any computer with Adobe Reader. Improve your aim [...]